Friday, 9 November 2012

Research Methodology Assignment

A Research Methodology Assignment involves defining the methods or means that you are planning to use to collect data in the field. A Research Methodology Assignment acknowledges that data collection during research has to be done in a systematic manner. When tackling a Research Methodology Assignment you first have to understand the kind of research that is intended to be carried out. Get the best research paper help and homework help here.
The type of data to be collected will also inform your Research Methodology Assignment. Especially when writing a research proposal, a Research Methodology Assignment is inevitable. This is because the proposal is the planning stage of research and the Research Methodology Assignment is also part of this planning process.
Things to consider when coming up with the research methodology
1.      Resources
The first thing that comes to mind for most people when they are trying to choose the best method of data collection is their resources. The available financial resources will obviously affect the final methods that are selected. The amount of available resources will also determine the number of tools for data collection that you will process. For example to produce questionnaires for a wide population of people, you will need a lot of money. This is therefore an important factor to consider.
2.      Demographics of the population
The demographics of the study population will determine the kind of method to be used in data collection. For example if the demographics indicate that most of the population is made up of illiterate people, there is no way you are going to propose the use of fill in questionnaires. You will prefer other methods like use of focus group discussions.
3.      The scope of study
The scope of your study will determine the size of your population and geographical reach. If you are carrying out a study in a whole state, you will need to choose a method that will be appropriate. You will have to recognize that you will be dealing with a lot of people. For example, unlike in the earlier case, you cannot use group discussions since you cannot get all these people at once.
4.      The type of data to be collected
The type of data you want to collect will also determine the method. If you are simply collecting numerical data, you can send a few research assistants to go through documented information. If the data is descriptive then you will have to use questionnaires or interview guides so that you can write down. Sometimes you may need audio visual information and so videos and voice recordings will come in handy.

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